Bride Ministries Institute

Bride Ministries Institute (BMI) is the official online education platform of Bride Ministries. Our courses have blessed many lives and formed a thriving online community of believers. We have several courses ranging from Level 1-level 4 that will greatly enhance your walk with Jesus Christ.

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Testimonials from Real Students

“Dan has such a way of taking basic, profound teachings that religious tradition has muddled and making them resonate with our spirits like they were intended to. Such a foundational teaching! Thank you.” – Coleen S.

“Truly grateful for the biblical framework and constructs of this teaching which is laid out in a way one can easily follow and understand. The scriptures and practical analogies used throughout this teaching truly helped me to grasp what I've read many times but now can connect the spiritual dots. No snippet theology and spiritually sound! Journeying with Jesus -- what a way to live :)” – Christine K.

“I am absolutely loving the entire teaching on Grace! I'm looking at how I pray and now believing the Lord for every aspect of His Grace and Ability to be activated in every area of my walk with the Lord! Thank you for this teaching! It's a real game changer. Many in the BofC are ignorant of the true power of grace because they just don't know. Thank you!!” - Avah F.

“I absolutely LOVE this teaching... I’m so impressed with the simply of transformation. I will begin to visit each name/room. I NEED to be reprogrammed. There is a better way to live in Christ than going through the exhausting effort of trying my best. Again, AWESOME teaching!!” – Dorothy D.

“Years and years of hearing different teachings on what it means to be "in Christ"... never quite made much sense beyond a "do better" bottom-line ... this teaching is so simple yet so profound in making it make sense.” – Dawn N.

“Great lesson thank you Daniel. Breaking it all down and using the vacuum analogy and the oxen analogy was wonderful. Also using other meanings and translations is helpful as in the point that Jesus is the end of the law or 'the aim of the law' or 'the whole point of the law' can completely change the perspective of the text. Such fundamental teaching we all need to come back to often given that we are to live under Grace continually. Awesome. Thank you.” – Jennifer C.

“This was an awesome course. Will need to listen multiple time to really let it sink in Thank you so much.” – Sheri N

“I am so excited about what this ministry is doing in piercing the darkness and setting captives free to worship the One who died for us. I've been walking with the Lord for almost three decades and find myself more hungry and thirsty for God's truth and right now revelation of his word in gaining my freedom from physical sicknesses. I've been called to the ministry of healing and deliverance and as this world walks in deeper darkness the church will find people in need of deliverance more than ever before. And no doubt, themselves first! I'm ready to buckle-in for a life-changing experience that will free me from captivity and equip me to serve God's people and help them to gain results over darkness. Glory to God! Hallelujah!!” – Cheryl H.